Join The Team!
We're a completely volunteer-run team - meaning that all of us were once where you are, just hearing about this project for the first time! No matter who you are, you can contribute to this project.
If you have technical skills in software development, user experience design/research, product/project management, research/writing, marketing/communication, or anything else relevant to a non-profit, open source technology project? We need you.
If you have experience/expertise in government, policy, organizing, activism, campaigning, or anything related to political engagement? We need you.
If you're just someone who believes that we can more peacefully, thoughtfully, creatively, and sustainably coexist, believes this project could be a way to help do that, and wants to contribute? We need you.
How We Work
We collaborate by breaking up our work into manageable pieces, then getting it done based on these principles:
- Autonomy - you choose what you work on! Put your name down for tasks, and feel free to add tasks if you want to work on something that isn't currently there. We trust your intelligence!
- Ownership - our only rule is that if you recognize you can't do something you have your name on, that's perfectly ok! Just let us know and we'll either get you help or find someone who can.
- Longevity - do work such that others can pick up where you left off! Make it so you can put down the shovel guilt free, and the next person can pick it up.
We rarely set deadlines, we get the majority of our work done on our own time, and we communicate asynchronously via Slack and sync up at weekly Civic Tech Toronto meetups.
We've had folks contribute continuously from the start of the project, we've had folks come in and out, we've had folks contribute intensely for a short stretch, and we're accommodating of and deeply grateful for it all.
Ways to Get Involved
- Onboarding - Read through our Onboarding document to get a sense of what we're building, where we're aiming, and how we're collaborating to get there.
- Email - Shoot an email to introducing yourself!
- Slack - Join us on the Civic Tech Toronto Slack in #proj-civic-dashboard, check out our Action Items and introduce yourself there!
- Come To A Work Session - We meet every Tuesday 7-9pm at Civic Tech Toronto hacknights, which happen both in-person somewhere in Toronto and over Zoom!